Going Solar

Solar power is a viable, affordable and clean way to produce electricity to use at your home or business. This Solar Toolkit is designed to provide detailed information to help you pursue your clean energy journey. Information here is designed for residents and businesses in the state of Utah but will have some applicability elsewhere.

Rooftop solar in Utah:

number of homes & businesses with solar
lbs of Co2 prevented annually
megawatts of clean rooftop solar energy
"We went solar because it just makes sense. We're retired and living on a reduced income. We added a 3.2kw system and eliminated almost 60% of our total consumption. When I look at the interest I'm earning in my bank savings account, this is an opportunity to make an investment that pays me to install."
Jay of Salt Lake City
This work was authored by Utah Clean Energy under Subcontract No. SUB-2022-10159 as part of the Solar Energy Innovation Network, a collaborative research effort administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308 funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, the DOE, or the U.S. Government.

The recently approved Inflation Reduction Act has made some information on this website outdated. We are working to update ASAP. In the meantime, please consult a tax expert on all incentives and rebates listed.